Tuk-tuk Quotes: A Thing of the Past?

The Government has apparently decided to ban all tuk tuk prints and quotes. What does this mean for us?

Tuk tuk quotes are the main source of literary edutainment for commuters when on the road, what with their deep, confusing, and more often than not completely bizarre and paradoxical statements. They range from declarations of love (spurned love, maternal love, patriotic love, and love in all its subjugations), philosophy and poetry, sometimes with a dash of bizarre vitriol or racially-motivated hatred.

From the decal verses to the pimped up interiors, each tuk is eccentric and unique despite basically being an oversized motor-tricycle with a plastic shell — a tricycle whose individuality and humour is now compromised as the government decided to clamp down on street literature among other more sensible regulations imposed on tuks now.

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