(LANKAPUVATH | COLOMBO) – Eco Tablet, a successful solution to fuel standardisation with the use of nanotechnology, completes four years in the Sri Lankan market. Eco Tablet, which was introduced to the Sri Lankan market in 2019, has gained the trust of customers from all parts of the country, and has had a successful journey to date. Made with a combination of nano technology and organic ingredients, Eco Tablet is the world’s number one fuel booster. It can be bought under the name of ‘Eco Racing’ for petrol vehicles and under the name of ‘Eco Diesel’ for diesel vehicles. Eco Racing increases the octane value of petrol by five to ten while Eco Diesel increases the cetane value by two to five times.
Eco Tablet has the ability to properly standardise fuel in accordance with quality certifications awarded by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the only fuel standards organisation in the world. The fuel, which can be turned into ASTM condition by using Eco Tablet, is fully combusted in the engine and results in maximum fuel efficiency. It also saves at least one-fifth of a litre of fuel. The wide range of benefits of using Eco Tablet include doubling engine life, cleaning spark plugs, combustion chambers, fuel tank and fuel passages, and preventing unburned fuel particles from mixing with engine oil.
Eco Tablet, the world’s number one fuel additive, has received eight ASTM quality certifications and International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9001 and 14001 quality certifications. The Central Environment Authority (CEA), which has confirmed after tests that Eco Tablet reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 99%, has also attributed the use of Echo Tablets to a fulfilling of a social responsibility.
For more information Visit http://www.ecotablets.lk