(LANKAPUVATH | COLOMBO) – Endometriosis is a debilitating condition that affects 1 in 10 women worldwide. In SriLanka, one woman is determined to change how people see Endometriosis. Rashani Meegama, asufferer of 4th stage endometriosis and a lawyer by profession, launched the Endometriosis Support and Awareness Foundation (ESAF) in 2021 with a mission to create awareness of endometriosisand advocateforearly diagnosis and life style support.
Endometriosis is a chronic disorder where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus growsoutside in other organs. During menstruation, abnormal tissue deposited in other organs mimicsuterine lining tissue causing chronic inflammation, bleeding, and severe pain, causing scar tissueto form. A range of symptoms include excruciating menstrual pain, heavy periods, chronicfatigue, debilitating migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Endometriosis can also leadto fertility problems and affect a woman’s mental health and quality of life. The constant painand discomfort can impact everyday activities, including work, social life, and relationships. Thelack of understanding and awareness of the condition can make managing it even morechallenging.
ESAF’s programs and services include awareness programs, emotional support, andadvocacyeffortstodestigmatizeendometriosis.Thefoundationaimstoeducatesocietyateverylevel, from school teachers and nurses to family physicians and employers. By capturing theright target groups, the foundation hopes to make a significant impact towards driving earlydiagnosisand providing therightmoral supporttoendometriosis victims.
ESAF has already made a difference in the lives of many endometriosis sufferers. Thefoundationhasconnectedwithwomeninremoteareasofthecountrytohelpthemfindtherightdoctors and treatment options. With accurate knowledge and information, Rashani believesendometriosis sufferers can lead a better quality of life. She says, “Endometriosis cannot bewiped away, but accurate knowledge and information can make the biggest difference in an endowoman’s quality of life. Knowledge is power, and ESAF will be the platform to empower you inyourjourney with endometriosis.”
However, ESAF faces several challenges in its mission. These include destigmatizing thetaboo on endometriosis and menstrual health, lack of knowledge and attention at primaryhealthcareand societal levels,and funding to driveawareness.
The media and the general public can also be crucial in raising awareness forendometriosis and ESAF’s work. The foundation welcomes opportunities to host awarenessevents in workplaces, medical clinics, and other public places. The media can help also carry thevoicein all traditionaland digital mediaavenues throughouttheyear.
With the launch of ESAF, Rashani Meegama hopes to break the silence and createawareness and support for endometriosis sufferers in Sri Lanka. ESAF aims to empower womento take control of their journey with endometriosis through accurate knowledge and information,emotionalsupport, and advocacy efforts.
For more information, please visit the Endometriosis Foundation’s websitehttp://esafsrilanka.com/.