Global Village 2024 Celebrates Cultural Diversity at Wayamba University

(LANKAPUVATH | COLOMBO) – Global Village 2024 was successfully held on August 4th, 2024, at Wayamba University, Sri Lanka. Organized by AIESEC in Wayamba University, the event was a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity and aesthetics.

The event featured a variety of engaging activities, including food stalls, games, cultural performances, and informative sessions. Highlights included traditional Bharatha Natyam and Udarata dance performances, sessions on cultural diversity and language barriers, violin performances, and a Hip Hop dance segment.

Notable public figures such as Ms. Lochana Jayakodi, Mr. Sandakath Mahagamarachchi, Ms. Bernadine Jayasinghe, and Mr. Avishka Kumara lent their support to the event.

Keyzony and Frella International partnered as gift sponsors, contributing to the success of Global Village 2024. The combined efforts of all involved made the event a resounding success.




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