(COLOMBO, LANKAPUVATH) – Sri Lankan farmers are counting the cost of the nation’s worst drought in decades, which has caused widespread crop failure and food shortages while compounding the nation’s existing malnutrition crisis. Drought conditions now exist in all but two of the country’s 25 Provinces, and more than 1.2 million people are affected, including over 600,000 children. Rice paddy cultivation from the harvest just ended was down 63 percent compared to the average, making…
"1.2 Million people affected by drought as farmers confronted with worst harvest in 40-years"Tag: drought
(MOGADISHU, LANKAPUVATH) – Some 110 people have died in Southern Somalia in the last 2-days from famine and diarrhea resulting from a drought, the Prime Minister said on Saturday (04), as the area braces itself for widespread shortages of food.
"Somalia says 110 dead in last 48-hours due to drought"