Iraq’s Media and Communications Commission bans Rudaw

(IRAQ, LANKAPUVATH) – The office of audiovisual media of the Iraqi government’s Media and Communications Commission has issued a decree on October 23, 2017, No. 5/9714/A/7, which without any prior warning or complaint, orders the shutdown of Rudaw TV broadcast, prevention of its crews and seizure of their equipment across Iraq. The decree says that grounds for this move is that Rudaw is not licensed by their commission, and for broadcasting some programs “That incite…

"Iraq’s Media and Communications Commission bans Rudaw"

Catalan leaders facing rebellion charges ‘flee to Belgium’

(CATALONIA, LANKAPUVATH) –Catalonia’s ousted president and several members of his deposed cabinet have fled to Belgium hours before Spain’s attorney general asked for charges of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds to be brought against them over their decision to declare independence last week.

"Catalan leaders facing rebellion charges ‘flee to Belgium’"