Sri Lankan and Indonesian Presidents agree to enhance bilateral ties

(INDONESIA, LANKAPUVATH) – President Maithripala Sirisena, who is on a State visit to Indonesia to attend the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Leaders’ Summit, making a statement after holding bilateral discussion with the Indonesian President Joko Widodo stated that his Government and he himself totally committed to further enhancing the relations in all areas of mutual interest between the two countries.

"Sri Lankan and Indonesian Presidents agree to enhance bilateral ties"

Tamil Nadu Parish decides to shun Katchatheevu festival

(TAMIL NADU, LANKAPUVATH) – The Verkodu Parish, which organises the annual Indian pilgrimage to Katchatheevu for the St. Antony’s Church festival has decided to boycott the festival, scheduled for March 11 and 12 in protest against the gunning down of fisherman K. Britjo (21) on Monday night, while fishing on the high seas.

"Tamil Nadu Parish decides to shun Katchatheevu festival"

Sri Lanka calls for immediate investigation into death of Indian fisherman

(COLOMBO, LANKAPUVATH) – Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Mahinda Amaraweera who has drawn immediate attention to allegations made by Indian fishermen regarding the death of an Indian fisherman, has written to the Defence Ministry Secretary to launch an immediate investigation into the matter to elicit true information.

"Sri Lanka calls for immediate investigation into death of Indian fisherman"