(LANKAPUVATH | COLOMBO) – Pratap Chartered Valuation & Consultancy Pvt Ltd is a leading RICS-UK regulated valuation and property consultancy firm operating in Sri Lanka with over 150 years of combined valuation experience.
They provide all types of property development, management, valuation and consultancy services as well as visa processing and valuations for tax purposes.
With the theme “Beauty in Victory”, its 10th anniversary was held at the Monarch Imperial Hotel, Sri Jayewardenepura recently.
Mr. D. Prathapasinghe says that he managed to get the award of the most talented assessment team in South Asia organized by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS-UK) for the year 2023 for a design for the world’s largest fleet of seaplanes in the Maldives.
He further said that the dedication and unwavering determination of his team led by him in the field of real estate valuation and consultancy covering the entire country for 10 years is the reason why the institution has been respected locally and internationally and thus won the award.
Mr. Prathapasinghe proudly and humbly mentioned that many Sri Lankan banks and public and private institutions have received his services and many foreign countries such as America, England, Australia, Maldives and Bhutan have received the services of his institution.
Also, there was an appreciation of the employees who supported the development of the company.